
Diablo 3 use controller on pc
Diablo 3 use controller on pc

diablo 3 use controller on pc diablo 3 use controller on pc

But would Diablo on a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 really be Diablo? The Xbox and PlayStation had both produced many impressive games of their own, no doubt. So when Blizzard revealed during Sony's PlayStation 4 unveiling that it would bring its 2012 PC game to current and next-generation video game consoles, "Diablo" purists met the new with equal parts of horror and trepid excitement. Changing that up would be like trying to turn football into a touchscreen smartphone game: it doesn't really work. After almost two decades, Blizzard is bringing its acclaimed Blizzardįor its legions of fans on the PC, Blizzard's epic demon-slaying video game "Diablo 3" is practically synonymous with hours upon hours of mouse clicking.

Diablo 3 use controller on pc